James 5:12-18 - Prayer / Faith


  1. Read 1 Kings 17-18.

    • Elijah was human just like you. That means he got discouraged, had his plans frustrated, grew tired, and was often fearful. What Elijah knew was that the God who controls everything had called him to serve him and promised to work on his behalf. So no matter how impossible things seemed, Elijah prayed. By faith Elijah prayed fervently, specifically, and boldly.

  2. God uses plain, ordinary people with ordinary problems; Moses was afraid. Jeremiah was depressed. David was lustful. Peter was hot tempered.

    • What are some things that have caused you to doubt or discount yourself?

    • How does knowing God uses regular people encourage you toward greater trust and faith in Him?

  3. How does the reminder that “prayer works” challenge or encourage you in your current season?

    • What/who do you need to talk to God about?


“Ask and it will be given to you… seek and you will find… knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” - Jesus (Luke 11:9-10)